As a luxury or any other real estate marketing professional, it is important that your brand communicates your core values in your marketing materials, which include your web site as well as the way you conduct your business.  Real estate like any other business is a matchmaking business.  If your market resonates with your values, they will hire you and buy what you have to offer.

Core values are your foundation and your authentic essence by which you operate your business and your life.  They are the guidelines by which your decisions are made and executed.  When your core values are explicitly and implicitly expressed in words, colors, fonts, presentation and action you have a brand. Your point of attraction is clear and becomes a beacon to those whose core values are similar.  And, as an added bonus, a brand makes it easier for others to refer you.

The photo above is of a new dry cat food we recently purchased for Quincy cat.  Nutro’s packaging expressed their core values, which in turn resonated with ours when it comes to food we eat.  Amid all the choices of dry cat food that are available, this one flew off the shelf into our hands. We can also report that Quincy is happy with our choice.

Nutro’s transparency and explicit expression of their values influenced us to buy their brand., and share our experience with other cat owners.   Is Your Marketplace Buying Your Brand?