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Our media partners, Luxe Corp in Paris, produced another outstanding Club e-Luxe International Summit event this month for the luxury goods and services industry.  One of the presenters was a representative from a Swiss-based company that manufactures, designs and develops products that enhance our increasingly mobile, connected and digital lifestyles.


Here are the main highlights of the presentation:

Wearable Technology has come to stay and there is no more going back. Their presence in luxury and digital media is similar to the arrival of the internet. The future digital landscape is dotted with wearable technology devices and luxury brands cannot escape this phenomenon.

Wearable technology are devices designed to expand or enhance a wearer's experience not only with other people but with the brand. Once luxury brands understand this, they will see all the opportunities that wearable tech can offer.

Wearable Technology mediates the interaction between users and their immediate environments. This means being hyper-connected digitally on a permanent basis. They amplify the lives of users and help them do things faster, quicker and easier.

The shift in wearable devices is from single function to cross function. The scope of application of the device has been enhanced

Wearables are causing a re-thinking of the boundaries of the body, material science and digital technology; and creating new forms of interpersonal as well as brand to consumers interactions.

Wearables started as far back as 1975 with the calculator wrist watches by HP, Pulsar & Casio. Today this technology is being pushed forward by the likes of Nike, Samsung and Google.

In the near future, 1 in 20 smartphones will be connected to a smart watch. The global annual wearable device unit shipments will surpass 100 million in 2014, and reach 300 million units in 5 years.

Written by Ron & Alexandra Seigel-

ABOUT:  Napa Consultants, International is the leader in brand strategy for the luxury real estate industry.  They work exclusively with professionals who are passionate about gaining or sustaining market leadership. With an expertise in personal branding, company branding, luxury real estate website design and social media marketing they help their clients become the breakaway brand in their marketplace. 


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