Do you keep repeating the same marketing message without satisfactory results? Perhaps it is time to create a better message that distills your value proposition to its essence.  

The key is to condense your marketing message so that it is both instantly appealing and memorable.  When crafting a brand strategy for any niche of a real estate marketing professional or company our job to distill our client’s extraordinary promise of value into a very brief message.  

The discipline is very much like writing haiku, the Japanese poems of just seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven and five traditionally evoking images of the natural world.

Trust us when we say that trying to come up with this potent, concentrated message on your own is not easy. Often people opt out for copying slogans of other agents in different geographical markets.

But, when you nail it, it is like hearing a clear radio signal without any static. In just four words,  Fed Ex said what it stood for, "The World on Time!"

Distilling your brand message to its essence helps spark word-of-mouth advertising.  If the message truly resonates with your target market it can “go viral” and spread quickly like a quote from a famous person that you keep hearing even after the person is no longer alive. 

Pictured above is Albert Einstein who said,

““The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result”.”

So, if you find yourself repeating the same marketing strategies and not getting the results you deserve, it may be time to change your message. 


Clarify your unique promise of value and then go into the operating room.  Or, give us a call. Happy to help.


Does Your Message Distill Your Value Proposition To Its Essence?