A recent Wall Street Journal article inspired this post. It was titledThe Chicago Cubs are the Official Team of Jews—Also Christians, Buddhists and Muslims!” At first, it made no sense to us.Was this some politically correct doublespeak?

The article went on to explain that pundits from all these religions mentioned have agreed that the Cubs will win the World Series. Each is using their interpretations of numbers that are a part of their religious writings, theories of meaningful numbers. Finally, something that they all can agree upon! To read more, click on the link.

Then, this evening, as we were sipping some Sagrantino wine from Umbria made from Sagrantino grapes, it came to me (A) that perhaps Wrigley Field could be the field about which the Suffi Moslem mystic, Rumi, referred. Here is the quote: 

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing

and right doing there is a field.

I’ll meet you there."

We could not help but reflect on the idea that all of us should try to find such a field, where it is safe to be friends, instead of enemies based on beliefs, dogmas and past wrongdoings. Will we meet you in Rumi’s field?

Written by Ron & Alexandra Seigel-

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