
In certain cultures it is frowned upon to stand out from the crowd.  However, if market leadership is your quest  in luxury or any other real estate niche blending in like a chameleon does to camouflage itself is simply not an option.  

 This is a time, when competition for attention continues to escalate. Developing a highly distinguishable, consistent personal or company brand is important. As we say, Stand out or Bow out™!

Many agents and companies fall into the “chameleon trap” because they simply do not want to make waves.  Instead when they come up with new colors, their intent is to blurr the competition by doing something similar, to fit in with a similar look. 

 Blurring confuses the marketplace as to who is who among the brands to choose.  A perfect example can be seen in car design...Even the Bentley blends in as one of the newer auto companies has copied its styling and logo. 

Changing your colors to please others, to blend in or to avoid the pursuit of your competition is the antithesis of establishing your brand position and sticking with it steadfastly.   Instead of standing out you blend in, like a chameleon into a leaf.

Are You Blending in Like a Chameleon on a Leaf?