In answering a question as to whether or not to discontinue marketing for the time being in the face of collective global adversity, we said yes, continue marketing.  

However, this is the time to review, reassess and rethink your marketing.  You cannot continue what you have been doing.  We have always said that marketing is a fluid act in motion that must be in harmony with the current climate which requires perspective--in other words encompassing a 360 degree view of the present.

Recently everyone has received emails and postcards from those vendors want your business.  We have deleted the majority of the emails from companies whose marketing/ad companies have not bothered to analyze how to approach a new situation.  Here is one guideline.

Do not tout your brilliance and accomplishments as a means of marketing yourself!  It may brand you as someone who has no heart to the person who receives your victorious postcard!   Here is an example:

One of those emails that we read was from an airline touting its work in helping re-patriate US citizens who happened to be overseas at this time.  Their CEO was complimenting the company for its efforts of maintaining its scheduled flights and good citizenship, and dedication to American citizens in the face of the global issues that everyone is facing.  

When I read this, I was delighted because my niece was confirmed on one of those flights home.  A few hours later, she texted us to let us know that this airline had cancelled its flight from South East Asia. Make sure that what you are saying is the truth, nothing but the truth...Fortunately, our niece is a savvy traveler and for the moment is staying put in a safe place free of the spread of the virus.

Stop referring to the virus in the headlines of your posts, articles or printed materials.  At this point it is the most overused keyword by everyone which includes the media.  Just because it has a high ranking place on Google, squeezing this Google Juice causes more fear and pain and stress for everyone who glances at these headlines.  Here are two examples:

One of the luxury sites I subscribed to lauded in gleeful terms how some of the luxury brands were creating masks to match their Spring outfits. This was their way to stand out at the Spring fashion shows. It was creative, no doubt about that...but I would not have applauded this at all.  

One of our formerly respected publications has a weekend column with interesting articles on tech and lifestyle.  We have since unsubscribed to that feed as it became another Google ranking opportunist, with every article headlining the virus.

The rule of successful marketing is at all times being aware of the perspective of your target market at this time in history,  Be kind, be compassionate, be carring.  Not one person needs the added burden of fear.  As Maya Angelou said:

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Spread the good news, and yes there are many good news in town, in the United States at large, and globally.  Here is one for you:  Did you know that drive-in movies are making a comeback world wide and in many cities in the United States and in the world.  If our town had one,  we would have sent a postcard to our sphere with these news.  We would also found a way to pay for the first 50 that responded to our postcard or email!

If your marketing budget is stretched, share the video of good news that Debb Janes EcoBroker and Bernie Stea JD shared in their post yesterday afternoon...

Market with perspective.  Be kind, caring and compassionate.