Choosing the right colors for/and with our clients in our real estate brand strategy and marketing practice is of paramount importance. We have a five page exercise/questionnaire that our clients fill out in order to find and determine the colors they are drawn to.  The colors have to also be harmonious with the lifestyle of the community/their market place.

There are infinite hues for each of the basic rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The combination of colors is endless, and often surprising. Colors can convey a mood or a feeling.  This is one of the reasons we focus on Nature's combination as pictured above with the Rex begonias.  Nature's colors resonate with all of us, because they are natural.  There is no artifice in nature!

For instance, many think that black and gold is the end all be all for a luxury brand.  Black also connotes formality.  If our individual client's market is a resort community, it sends the wrong message. People have second homes in resort communities, they are there to relax and enjoy the lifestyle of golf, water sports, etc...Black is the color of formality!

However, black can work for a real estate company brand in that same community with a pop of color, because a company wants to convey solidity, heritage and tradition.  Their market is not the location or the lifestyle.  Their market focus is the agents who  work, or may want to work with that firm.  

Just because one loves a color does not mean it has be the dominant color for their brand.  We worked with an agent whose favorite colors were red, brown and green.  This was a mountain community.  We used a pleasing combination of browns and greens to represent the mountains.  We also added a subtle pixel of the right red hue, similar to the dark red that outlines the leaf pictured above.

Take time to look at Nature's output.  There are so many outstanding examples to be inspired by.  The possibilites are endless!