To win the competition for the attention of your target market, you need to consistently demonstrate that you are the brightest bulb with the most outstanding value proposition. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through laser-sharp messaging in your blog posts that quickly capture and hold their attention.

Practicing the discipline of concise blog post writing can help you to sharpen your communication skills in general. It requires that you assess the best way to get your points across with an economy of words.  This also frees you up to listen more to your clients and listen less to yourself

Capture attention by providing a photo that conveys your primary message or your punch line. It allows your readers to hold the overarching idea of your post in mind while they fill in the details by reading more.

Your title and your opening paragraph must peak your reader’s interest and tell them why your topic is important to THEM.  It should contain a single sentence with your central idea expressed with utmost brevity. Your last paragraph should restate your main idea.

Be the brightest bulb in your marketplace!  Practice laser-sharp communication by writing concise blog posts that convey your extraordinary promise of value.

Written by Ron & Alexandra Seigel-

ABOUT:  Napa Consultants, International is the leader in brand strategy for the luxury real estate industry.  They work exclusively with professionals who are passionate about gaining or sustaining market leadership. With an expertise in personal branding, company branding, luxury real estate website design and social media marketing they help their clients become the breakaway brand in their marketplace.