Your personal brand, from an aesthetic perspective must reflect your own tastes, your core values and your own personality.   Yet, you also have to take into consideration your target market.  That is, who you intend to attract as ideal clients. 

Who are your ideal clients? As it turns out, when you really think about it, your ideal clients are people who share your values.  For example, if you value a lighthearted sense of humor, your ideal clients would definitely not be curmudgeons, killjoys or wet blankets.   

In our strategic branding consulting practice our job is to help real estate agents, real estate companies and others dial into their unique DNA (Different Not Alike). They have to also tune into their target market.  Then, together we find a brand signal is in harmony with their target market.  

Too many real estate marketing professionals are so busy trying to please others that they disregard their own very important personal perspective.  As a result they attract clients who are less than ideal.

What is amazing about this process of personal/company real estate branding is that there is always a way to articulate your personal brand signal so that is harmonious with your target market without compromising your DNA or your integrity. 

The key is to express yourself fully and have fun in the process.  Your ideal clients will have a much easier time finding you that way. And your brand will continue to build your reputation in your target market. And it will make you easier to refer.